It’s the start of the new year, 2020! We thought this would be a great time to throw it back for #throwbackthursday and revisit our top blog posts of 2019.
Questions to Help You Think Like a Grant Reviewer
“This month I served as a grant reviewer for the first time. I had three foundation applications to review in six weeks (a pretty generous time-frame). I will join in the chorus of other grant professionals that say if you have the opportunity to serve as a reviewer, do it. Here are the 10 Tips Judy learned by serving as a federal grant reviewer.”
“The popular television show, MythBusters, began on the Discovery channel in 2003. Like this tv show which fact checks and dispels or proves urban legends, the world of grants is ripe with myths. Time for Spring Cleaning! Let’s bust three of these grant myths!”
7 Ideas to Add Creativity to Your Grant Proposal
“Are you feeling bored with your grant proposals? Are you getting tired of doing the same thing over and over again? If you are feeling bored, there is a good chance your grant reviewers are also bored reading through your grant proposal. Why not add some creativity to your grant proposals?”
(Successfully) Dealing with Difficult People on a Grant Team
“During the Grant Professional’s Association (GPA) 2018 annual conference, I attended a session called “Snarks, Sharks and Drama Queens: How to Navigate People-Generated Obstacles to Grant Success” presented by Bruce Ripley. Mr. Ripley is a former addiction counselor turned grant professional, so it was interesting to hear his perspectives about working with difficult people. He had plenty of experience, and the grant professionals in the room each had various conflicts occurring in their work lives. Here are some tips and resources from Mr. Ripley.”
Read the tips and resources here.
Encouraging Quotes for Grant Professionals
“I love quotes. Certain times of the year, grant professionals are extra busy and sometimes feel burned out, overused, unappreciated, and not appropriately compensated. To combat these times, I’ve compiled a list of favorite quotes that help me continue to make the world a better place through words and numbers. Hope you can use these when you need a boost.”
Do you have a favorite post of ours that didn’t make the list for #throwbackthursday? Share it with us!
We hope you and your organization have a happy new year!
Need help with your grant writing? Contact our team and let us take the stress out of the grant seeking process for you. We offer full-service customized grant writing support including; assessing your grant readiness, research, writing and editing, and mock grant review.