Grant Readiness Challenge: Day 4: Check Your Grant Attachments

You are busy working on an application narrative and the budget. You are almost prepared to submit the grant and realize that *oops!* you don’t have all of the updated grant attachments at your fingertips. Blood pressure jumps, another coffee is poured…  While you may make the deadline, the stress could have been avoided.

How is it that you avoid that stress? Put a reminder on your grant calendar for every six months to double-check and ensure that all of your electronic and hard copy files are up to date. Here is a list of the common documents you should have on hand:

– Current strategic plan

– 501(c)(3) letter

– Articles of Incorporation

– 990 (past two years)

– Financial audit (past two years)

– Board Roster w/ contact information, terms, and affiliations

– Operating budget (current year)

– List of current grants (funder, amount, and grant award period)

– List of previous funded and denied grants (At least past two years)

– registration information

– Recent Annual Report

– Organization Chart


Don’t forget to share your journey on the 30 Day Grant Readiness Challenge by using the hashtag #grantreadiness on your posts and updates on social media.


Did you miss the launch of the 30 Day Grant Readiness Challenge? It isn’t too late for you to start! You can sign up at any point and it will start you back on Day 1!

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