Grant Readiness Challenge: Day 2: Centralize Government Registrations

There are so *many* registrations that a grant seeking organization ends up having as they dig deeper into a grant seeking strategy. Today, as part of Day of the Grant Readiness Challenge, let’s focus just on government registrations related to grant applications.

There is nothing worse than having a grant team spend a great deal of time and effort on a grant application, only to have the process come to a grinding halt or be denied because a technical government eligibility or registration criteria was not met.

Day 2 of the Grant Readiness Challenge is to ensure that all of your government registrations for grants are current. Take a few minutes today to run through the five questions below:

1 – Does your organization’s IRS exemption letter reflect your current organization name and address?

2 – Is your DUNS record for your organization up to date? Your address? Your leadership’s name and contact information? This information gets imported into so is critical to have current.

3 – Is your registration up to date for your organization as well as your Points of Contact (POC)?

4 – Is your account for your organization and your Authorized Organization Representatives (AOR) up to date?

5 –  Each state has its own registration requirements, so we will generally say…is your state charitable registration up to date? Your online log-ins? (For example, if you are in New York, you need to worry about your Grants Gateway prequalification.)

They may seem like small details, but these can be the stressful moments during an application process that will derail your efforts and attention from the important work – the narrative, the budget, the letters of commitment, etc.

Don’t forget to share your journey on the 30 Day Grant Readiness Challenge by using the hashtag #grantreadiness on your posts and updates on social media.


Did you miss the launch of the 30 Day Grant Readiness Challenge? It isn’t too late for you to start! You can sign up at any point and it will start you back on Day 1!

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