I was having a moment of nostalgia this week… I grew up in the 90’s, which means that I grew up playing games like Tetris and Mario Brothers (we won’t talk about what my…
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I still have challenges with clients not getting information to me on time, resulting in some last-minute panic.
Dear Experienced Grant Writer: I’ve been developing my grant writing business for about a year and a half. I still have challenges with clients not getting information to me on time, resulting in some…
How to Create Agile Leadership at Your Nonprofit
The Nonprofit MBA Podcast PRESS RELEASE March 1, 2023 How to Create Agile Leadership at Your Nonprofit, Featuring Diane Leonard on The Nonprofit MBA Podcast Nonprofit organizations are increasingly adopting agile Leadership to achieve…
A Tale of Two Funding Types: Comparing Public and Private Funding
A Tale of Two Funding Types: Comparing Public and Private Funding It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness…from…
I Was Burned Out at Work, and I Didn’t Even Know It
For a long time, I had a job I loved. My boss was the best. He left me to do my job but gave assistance whenever I requested it. He always understood when I had…
If the OIG Arrived on Your Doorstep Tomorrow
If the OIG Arrived on Your Doorstep Tomorrow, Would You Survive the Day? Site visits and single audits forever make me feel as if I’ve been called to the principal’s office. (For the record, I’ve…
Do Look a Gift Horse in the Mouth: Grant Funding
I began what I now see was my first grant seeking for a capital campaign when I was in fifth grade. Instead of bricks and mortar I sought a four-hooved, whinnying kind of large scale…
Volunteer: Serve Others and Help Yourself
“What is the essence of life? To serve others and to do good.” ~Aristotle I don’t care what your profession, there is probably a membership organization out there just for you. City planner? How…
Pay No Attention to the Man Behind the Curtain
I moved to Leavenworth, Kansas when I was a 13-year-old army brat, and that’s when I realized the Wizard of Oz was more than a movie played on television each Thanksgiving. It’s a Kansas-resident obsession,…