Three Books that Should be on Every Grant Professional’s Bookshelf

As a Grant Professional, I am always looking for new tools and resources to add to my toolbox to help me continue to grow. I love reading blogs, attending webinars, and finding great books to expand my professional knowledge. (If you are looking for grant related webinars, check out those offered by Diane.) This past year I spent a lot of time preparing to take the Grant Professional Certification exam. While preparing, I read three books I think every Grant Professional should have on their bookshelf.

3 Books Every Grant Professional Should Read

by Pauline Annarino, Danny W. Blitch II, Kimberly Hays de Muga, Leslie Mitchell


Prepare for the GPC Exam, published by CharityChannel Press, is a comprehensive yet conversational examination of the nine competencies tested in the GPC exam. It breaks down the grant process making it easy to understand and will make you laugh along the way. The authors know what they are talking about as each are GPCs. You do not have to be preparing to take the GPC exam for this book to help you become a better Grant Professional. And as a bonus, a percentage of the proceeds from the sale of the book established the Giving Back Scholarship Fund for GPC exam scholarships with the Grant Professionals Foundation.




by Cheryl L. Kester, CFRE and Karen L. Cassidy, GPC


The grant process, especially federal grants, can be overwhelming, but in Writing to Win Federal Grants Cheryl and Karen break it down with easy to execute tips, examples, and stories. This book is helpful even if you are not applying for federal grants as many of the procedures and best practices are also applicable to private funding. Bonus: add the Writing to Win Federal Grants Workbook to go even deeper into the process of federal grants.





by Dr. Beverly A. Browning


Dr. Beverly Browning has been in the grants profession for over 40 years. In Grant Writing for Dummies she gives you with everything you need to get started grant writing. A great resource/reference manual for any grant professional from the newbie to the seasoned professional. I pull it off my shelf often to look at how she recommends doing things.





What books do you think should be on every Grant Professional’s bookshelf?

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