Funder Cultivation & Stewardship


Hello! I’m a grant writer/consultant who has been working with a client who lacks skills in funder cultivation and stewardship, and it’s really hindering them building a strong grants program. There are several large, local foundations that could give significant, multi-year funding, but it takes relationship-building. I’ve written many email drafts for my client to send for an inital reach out, but there’s rarely follow through. I’ve also set up a Grant Stewardship Tracker for them with easy action steps, but it’s not being used. As I know these are crucial for growing sustainable grant support, what can I do better to advise my client to do the needed funder cultivation and stewardship?



It sounds like you have done a great job of helping to provide great tools and support to your client this far! Often, we see that the pressure to spend time on current deadlines overshadows work related to relationship development with new funders.

Based on some things we have tried with various organizations, depending on their culture and staff comfort level, have you tried:

  • Putting a calendar appointment on their schedule as you would for a grant application meeting so they prioritize sending the draft emails?
  • While we do not advocate having consultants reach out to funders, if sending an email to the grantmaker is the objective, can you get approval of the email text and get permission to send the email from the organization’s generic Grants@ email if they have one?
  • Can you ask if there is a development or organizational admin support staff that could help send the approved emails of the general grants@ email isn’t feasible?


We encourage other grant pros to share their tips in the comments below, but hope these tips help get things moving forward with your client!

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